Top Ten Questions: Question #2 – When is this Kickstarter going to start?
Over the last month, I have spent a considerable amount of time on sites such as Massively, MMORPG, reddit and YouTube talking to people and getting their feedback on what they want to see in our Kickstarter. Based on this feedback, we have made some changes to our Kickstarter (specific add-ons, number and types of reward tiers, stretch goals, more information about CU) so that our potential, and hopefully future backers, will not only like what they see but also have even more confidence in the direction of CU than they have already. While we truly appreciate all the kind words and support (I must admit, the “throw money at the screen” comments make me smile) it is because of that support, we just want a little longer to further tailor this Kickstarter presentation to what our audience has asked to be included in it. We are still planning on launching this month and we’ll have more information for you next week on the launch date. I know that once we launch you will like what you see from our Reward Tiers and the Community should be happy (and I hope proud) of having already contributed significantly to our effort so far. Of course, please feel free to jump into any of these conversations on the above-mentioned sites as I am planning to continue the pre-launch dialogue that has been, IMO, incredibly helpful, insightful and absolutely outstanding and everyone involved has my deepest gratitude for that dialogue. Once again, thank you to the members of those individual communities, your voices are truly being heard, loudly and clearly (and yes, my ears are still ringing a bit).
On behalf of everyone at CSE, we are grateful for your support, and we apologize for making you wait just a little while longer.