We have always said that we have the best Kickstarter (and beyond) Backer community in the industry! One of the best examples of our Community is The Mod Squad. This group of dedicated Backers has been working with us to help create the UI for Camelot Unchained™ for quite a while now. And their latest effort, CSE’s iwb “lead spaceship engineer” JB, has resulted in a brand new, awesome next-generation patcher, chat system, and so much more. So, mucho kudos out to The Mod Squad (and especially the awesome work done by one of our favorite Backers, Mehuge)! This is, of course, just an Alpha version of the patcher; imagine where it is going to be by the time the game is ready to launch.

One very trite, incredibly tropish, and abused phrase is “Go big or go home.” We prefer, “Dare to be great!”, and this, like many of the BSC concepts of our game, fits the patcher too. Thanks to the efforts of JB and The Mod Squad, we have something to be very proud of, even in Alpha form.
You can never say thank you enough, and so, once again, thank you to JB, Mehuge, and all of The Mod Squad!