Pre-Alpha Testing Today, October 17th, 2014


Today we will begin round 2 of our “all access’ PAT#1 testing cycle. Test times for today are:

1) 3PM Eastern Time/12PM Pacific Time/7PM UTC.

2) 7PM Eastern Time/4PM Pacific Time/11PM UTC.

3) 10PM Eastern Time/7PM Pacific Time/2AM UTC+1.

We’re upping the battleground capacity to 200 people so please let us know on the forums if you experience any rubberbanding as we approach the battleground limit.

This Pre-Alpha version is essentially the same as the one we tested on Wednesday. As our Internal Testers know, we have already made some changes to the current build that we will migrate to Pre-Alpha once they are IT tested and CSE approved. 🙂

For those who can join us today, I hope you have fun and please let us know what you think about it on our forums.

As per above, we invite all of our Alpha and IT folks to join in the fun for any (or all) of the scheduled tests. Our new “time zone preference” selection will NOT affect all access tests such as these today and Sunday.
