Though they are musicians, Skalds do not use musical instruments to power their abilities. Instead, they rely simply upon their words, amplified with certain magical accoutrements. With their Viking training, they are also the most adept at using weapons of any of the bard-like classes in the Realms. They also grow more powerful as the battle rages, trying to keep their emotions under control…most of the time.

The power of words is greater than any instrument.
Bane Samples

Instruments do not grant bonuses to song abilities.

Wounds to the head greatly reduce the power of Shout and Song abilities when not using an instrument.
Boon Samples

The effects of song abilities remain in effect for a portion of the duration they were played after they have been stopped.

Disruption health for song and shout abilities is greatly increased.
Component Samples

Provides an aura that suppresses the effects of up to one wound per body part to the user and their nearby group members. Players under this effect also survive for a brief duration after being fatally wounded before dying.

Provides an aura that causes nearby enemies to take bonus damage from physical sources. The amount of bonus damage escalates up to a maximum, based on total bonus damage dealt to players under this effect.

Provides an aura that increases the movement speed of the user and their nearby group members. Taking damage while under the effect of this aura breaks the effect, and dealing damage while under the effect of this aura breaks the effect and grants a physical buff that increases damage with physical attacks for a moderate duration.

Deals moderate damage, and if this attack penetrates the target’s armor, increases the power of the user’s next song within a brief period of time.
Divine Intervention Sample
Glory to the Brave
The user and their nearby group members gain a temporary physical buff that reduces ability preparation and recovery time, and also increases damage with weapon abilities. The power of the buff is based on the number of nearby enemies greater than the number of group members present.
Death Curse Sample
Deafening Warcry
A stream of words escapes the user’s mouth and encircles all nearby enemies, who take high damage and are affected by a physical debuff that reduces their hearing for a moderate duration.