Afternoon Update – Tuesday, December 16th, 2014
Tomorrow, December 17th, 2014, we will have a very important video reveal, plus Live Stream Q&A on our Twitch channel here (http://www.twitch.tv/citystategames). At noon Eastern Time (9AM Pacific, 5PM UTC) I will be introducing the first official class concept for Camelot Unchained™. The reveal will be of a Viking warrior class with the working name/title of Drengr. We will also be describing, in great detail, an interesting ability spec system for the Drengr and the other classes of Camelot Unchained. As part of this reveal, we will also be posting the internal class concept document, which was discussed around the studio before we decided to go down this path. The document has been slightly edited, but sections were added after feedback from our Internal Testers, who got to see and comment on this document weeks ago. So, the FAQ and “What has gone before” sections were added based solely on their feedback and questions about the document.
It isn’t very often that an internal design document gets revealed to Backers and potential players at this stage of development. We wanted our Backers to see the kinds of things that go on here behind the scenes, as well as give them a lot of material for discussion, and well, this seemed like the best way to do that. Please keep in mind that because this is an internal document, and really falls into the category of a “pitch” or “vision” document of the type I used to write at Mythic, it is heavy on the ideas/concepts but light on the actual implementation/design details. That full design document would come next, after the concept gets approved.
As always, I didn’t want to implement this system just because *I* thought it was a good idea. I wanted to get feedback/suggestions/criticism from the team first. Since they signed off on it, we’re now presenting it to you and the rest of the world to see what path we want to go down with our classes for Camelot Unchained. Again, please remember this is a concept document and not a full design document, which would have implementation details, supporting artwork, etc.
If you can’t join us for this reveal, we will of course post the video on our YouTube channel here (https://www.youtube.com/user/CityStateGames). After the Q&A, we’ll open a discussion on our Forums, where we can continue to talk about this possible design for Camelot Unchained. As always, we are eager for your feedback, so please come join us there.
Tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day. 🙂