

The Specters possess a greater mastery of fear than the scouts of the other Realms. While it is not a necessary component, Specters often wear a special face-mask when not “working” at their chosen profession. The origin of Specters is a bit of a mystery to most Arthurians; the Specters like to keep it that way.




The world’s shadows are our home.

Bane Samples

Erudite Absorption
Encumbrance from equipment is greatly increased.
Cross Fade
The user’s body loses blood over time while their spectral body is active. The rate of blood loss accelerates over time, with the acceleration rate determined by the distance between the user’s body and their spectral body.

Boon Samples

Incorporeal Resilience
The user’s spectral body takes greatly reduced damage from physical attacks and quickly regenerates health.
Ghostly Speed
Increases movement speed progressively over time while not taking damage, up to a moderate limit.

Component Samples

Spectral Form (Modal)
Transitions the user to and from their spectral body. If the spectral body is not already present and alive, it is re-summoned. The user’s spectral body gains greatly increased camouflage and movement speed, and may perform Specter abilities.
Ectoplasmic Absorption (Specter Ability)
Places a shadow debuff on the target that siphons blood from the target after a brief period of time, transferring blood to the user’s body.
Stifle Fade (Specter Ability)
Marks an enemy target as sighted for a long duration, and greatly reduces the effects of Cross Fade.

Divine Intervention Sample

Ethereal Sabotage
Places a shadow debuff on a deployable object for a long duration. If an enemy approaches and remains within close proximity to the affected object for a brief period of time, this debuff causes damage to the object and any nearby enemies.

Death Curse Sample

Haunting Fear
When the spectral body is killed, it inflicts a high amount of panic to enemies within a large area, with a duration based on the remaining blood of the user’s body. Any enemies who reach their maximum panic rating while under the effects of Haunting Fear are affected by a shadow debuff that greatly reduces their movement speed, as well as ability preparation and recovery times.



Wisps are the most effective of all the scouts at moving undetected through enemy lands, at least during the day. They are the fastest and hardest to kill, but their glowing bodies make them easier to see at night, especially in swamps. This power comes at a price: Their souls are bound to their lanterns, and these lanterns can be destroyed (and can regenerate like bodies) by enemies, which hurls the Wisps’ souls into the Veil, trapping them until they can either escape or their lantern regenerates. Stories are told of travelers who lose their way in bubbling waters, thinking they might follow where only the Wisps should dare to tread.




Our will shines through the darkest night.

Bane Samples

Life in a Lantern
The user’s Wisp takes damage over time whenever it is outside of its lantern. The damage over time taken is greater while moving, as is the Wisp’s luminosity, which greatly reduces its concealment.
Arcane Sensitivity
The user’s Wisp takes greatly increased damage from all forms of magic.

Boon Samples

Armored Lantern
The user’s Wisp takes greatly reduced damage from all sources and regenerates health quickly while inside a lantern. More than one Wisp may enter the same lantern at once, regardless of owner, although each Wisp may own only one such lantern.
Faithful Servant
The user’s Wisp can survive beyond the death of the user’s body. However, the user’s Wisp requires its lantern in order to respawn. If the user’s Wisp dies while their lantern is destroyed and the user’s body is dead, the user’s body must return to life before the user’s Wisp can be recreated.

Component Samples

Commune with Wisp (Modal)
Transfers control between the user’s body and the Wisp.
Reconstitute Lantern (Secondary)
Recreates the Wisp’s lantern and the Wisp within after it has been lost or destroyed.
Blink (Wisp Ability)
Teleports a short distance in a random direction. Causes luminosity.
Glow (Wisp Ability)
Greatly increase luminosity over a large area for a moderate duration. Nearby enemies are affected by a radiant debuff that reduces their resistance to radiant effects.

Divine Intervention Sample

Direct a bright beam of light at an enemy target, inflicting a radiant debuff that reduces their vision and movement speed.

Death Curse Sample

The Wisp explodes, causing a brilliant “light show” and shockwave that knocks nearby enemies back, removes a large amount of stamina, and applies a radiant debuff that causes a large amount of damage to each target if they move or use abilities within a brief duration.



The Arisen have sworn to die each day to serve their Realm. As each day dawns, each Arisen takes their own life, only to instantly rise again. Due to their sacrifice, they are the most powerful of the scouts, appearing black as a moonless night. Besides being strong, Arisen have the ability to change their size at will.




Sacrifice brings strength, strength brings victory, victory brings sacrifice.

Bane Samples

Cursed Existence
Weapon-based ability power is greatly reduced.
To enter Arisen form, the user must sacrifice themselves. If the user dies without performing the sacrificial ritual, they do not enter Arisen form. Arisen form takes increased damage from fire, radiant, and crushing attacks.

Boon Samples

Cadaverous Horror
Arisen form causes the panic rating of nearby enemies to increase over time.
Fetid Defiler
Arisen form does not have or use blood, and takes greatly reduced disruption damage from all sources.

Component Samples

Sacrificial Rite (Modal)
The user sacrifices their life in order to enter Arisen form, leaving behind a tombstone that limits the distance they can travel before starting to fade and take damage over time. Arisen form gains high concealment and health regeneration.
Death Mark (Arisen Ability)
Places death debuff on an enemy that marks them as sighted for a long duration, greatly reducing their concealment, and applies a ghostly aura only players of the user’s Realm can see.
Putrid Vomit (Arisen Ability)
Inflicts a high amount of panic on enemies in a cone in front of the user, and applies a death debuff to them that greatly reduces their movement speed for a moderate duration.

Divine Intervention Sample

Abominable Gigantism
In Arisen form, the user gains a death buff that causes them to grow to immense size and gain greatly increased health and movement speed. This buff also adds a high amount of panic to enemies affected by the user’s abilities.

Death Curse Sample

Ghastly Exhumation
Zombie hands reach up from the ground and immobilize nearby enemies for a moderate duration, or until the hands are destroyed. Applies a death debuff to enemies in the area that deals death damage over time, with a duration based on the amount of time they were in contact with the hands.
