

To achieve their goal of being the best healers on the field of battle, members of this class use a bit more “science” than many others. The Physicians rely on a mixture of ability-enhanced potions, elixirs, and magical abilities to accomplish their goals. They also utilize a variant of the horn of Brân Galed (one of the Thirteen Treasures of Britain) to enhance their potions.




Physician, heal thy Realm.

Bane Samples

Damage inflicted with melee weapons is greatly reduced.
Encumbrance penalties from equipment are increased.

Boon Samples

Quality Assurance
Allows the user to drink a small portion of each potion just before they use it. The potion then works on the user with a lower-powered effect, as well as on the target with no loss of power. Works in conjunction with Alchemical Accumulation.
Alchemical Accumulation
User gains additional Alchemical Accumulation power with each potion effect received.

Component Samples

Soothing Elixir (Primary)
Reduces panic and cures a wound from the target’s most damaged body part.
Healing Elixir (Primary)
Heals the target for a moderate amount and grants them a life buff that heals them for an additional small amount each time they take damage, for a brief duration.
Bottle Toss (Secondary)
Throws a bottled potion at the target, smashing it against their body and applying its effects at below normal power.
Alchemical Empowerment (Modifier)
Spends an amount of stored Alchemical Accumulation power to increase the power of an equipped potion.
Horn of Replenishing (Modifier)
Expends an amount of power from the user’s horn to restore an amount of an expended elixir or potion.

Divine Intervention Sample

Alchemical Overcharge
Cures up to two wounds on the user’s most damaged body part, and restores a large amount of health to all the user’s body parts based on the user’s amount of Alchemical Accumulation.

Death Curse Sample

Forever Wounds
The user’s hostile target is haunted by a ghostly image of the dead Physician and is affected by a life debuff that prevents their wounds from being cured and greatly reduces the power of any healing they receive, for a brief duration.



Empaths believe that their bodies should be used to heal those in need. They pay a great price for choosing this noble way, for they take the wounds of others onto their own bodies. The more serious the wounds they deal with, the greater the likelihood that the Empath suffers additional side effects from their healing. The reward for this sacrifice is equally impressive: Empaths have access to some of the most powerful heals of all the classes in all the Realms.




To sacrifice oneself for others is the highest honor.

Bane Samples

Fading Health
Healing power is reduced based on missing health.
Degenerate Wounds
Wounds suffered by the user which are not cured after a moderate duration begin dealing damage over time to the affected body part.

Boon Samples

Voracious Constitution
Blood and health lost to cast healing spells is greatly reduced.
Empathetic Recovery
Healing a target that has no wounds present restores an amount of health to the user, based on the amount healed.

Component Samples

Sympathetic Offering (Primary)
Transfers an amount of health to the target’s damaged body parts from the caster.
Compassionate Cure (Primary)
Cures the target’s most severe wound and heals the affected body part for a small amount, while transferring a large amount of damage to the user, based on the power of the wound.
Introspective Meditation (Primary)
Channel to slowly restore health to all body parts of the user, and cure any wounds when maximum health thresholds are reached.
Simulacrum (Secondary)
Creates a facsimile of the user of a type matching the effect of the primary component used. The Simulacrum provides the health and blood resources called for when the user and members of their group activate abilities that use the same effect type, while nearby. Only one Simulacrum of the user may be present at a time.

Divine Intervention Sample

Painful Desperation
Grants the user a life buff that greatly reduces health and blood loss from casting for a brief duration. Also applies a life debuff that greatly reduces health and blood restoration from all sources for a longer duration.

Death Curse Sample

Exploit Pain
Life energy emanates from the location of the user’s body and heals each of their nearby group members’ body parts by the amount of health lost to each of the user’s body parts over a moderate duration. This curse may be activated multiple times before death, increasing a multiplier of the duration and amount healed. When the user respawns they suffer reduced maximum health for a long duration based on the number of activations of Exploit Pain, as a part of their resurrection penalty.



Only in the land of the Vikings would anyone throw rocks at people in order to heal them. While it is unfair that some claim Stonehealers are men and women who have fallen on their heads too often, it is true that being a Stonehealer does come with certain unique risks to the healers themselves. They are certainly among the most stubborn, thick-skulled defenders of the Realm!




Healing is pain.

Bane Samples

Stone Cold
Disruption health of spells is greatly reduced.
Dust to Dust
When one of their stones is destroyed, the user takes an amount of damage based on its health.

Boon Samples

Rock of Ages
The longer an Odin Stone lasts, the more it increases the power of effects directed through it.
Carved in Stone
Stone carving takes reduced time, and causes reduced durability loss on tools.

Component Samples

Rejuvenation Stone (Primary)
Provides an aura to nearby group members that delivers a low amount of healing over time, and acts as an anchor point for targeted heal over time effects. Only one stone of this type may be deployed at a time.
Stone Cast (Secondary)
Throws a stone a short distance in a direction or toward a friendly target. An ally struck by the stone gains the stone’s effect.
Dissemination of Stone (Modifier)
If within range, effects of this ability originate from the stone that uses the same type of the primary component of this ability, rather than originating from the user.
Blood from Stone (Secondary)
Pick up a nearby deployed stone of the desired type to gain its effect and recover an amount of blood based on its remaining power.

Divine Intervention Sample

Petrified Defense
Encases the user in stone, providing an earth buff that adds disruption health to abilities, and provides a barrier with high damage mitigation for a moderate duration.

Death Curse Sample

Wyle Stone
If outside, a large stone is dropped from the sky on the position of the user’s killer, causing high damage to enemies it strikes and greatly extending the effects of all remaining stones in range.

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