Afternoon Update – Friday, September 11th, 2015
A Fantastic Friday to you all! It’s been a helluva couple of weeks here at City State Entertainment. So much good stuff has happened that it is hard to recap in just a few paragraphs or so. However, let’s give it a shot before we move to new stuff and more new stuff.
First, our new terrain system completed an awesome shakedown cruise. Running 113 hours without a crash would be considered a pretty good start for a game in its final days/weeks of Beta, but is even more impressive for a game that is still in Alpha. And when you add in the fact that we have built almost this entire engine from scratch, including the procedurally generated terrain system that was at the heart of the test, that is a very impressive start.
Secondly, the travelling road crew returned from Dragon Con in Atlanta intact but not well-rested. One does not behold the face of the dragon and sleep, after all! 🙂 A friend of CSE recorded the panel on her phone, and we posted the video here or
If you are interested in the “origin stories” for some of the CSE crew, it’s worth a viewing. Plus, there are some hidden gems in the video that might be worth digging for.
In terms of other studio news, well, there are a couple of good pieces that we are saving up to spread joy-joy feelings throughout the CSE Community next week. It’s all good news, and we will talk about it next week in a livestream. Remember to check your email, spam folder, Forums, or smoke signals coming from our headquarters in beautiful, downtown Fairfax, VA. Actually, summer has broken, at least for a week, and the weather is quite beautiful right now.
In terms of our ever-popular User Stories, considering the short week and the fact that some of the studio’s principals were out of the office for a few days, it was nevertheless a very productive period for us. Overall, we had 10 existing cards with 25 completes, while adding 5 new cards with 29 completes.
Existing Cards:
As a Backer, I’d like to see general improvements in C.U.B.E.’s interface and functionality.
Stop saving block icons to disk. – Complete
As a Backer, I’d like a system that checks for certain requirements that can be used in other systems like the ability system.
Abilities check player or target. – Complete
Refactor Server Requirements in order to better support abilities. – Complete
Refactor Editor to support new requirements. – Complete
As a Backer, I’d like to test the updated male Golem model.
Model high poly sculpt. – Complete
Create textures. – Complete
As a Backer, I’d like to see the world begin to be propped out with generic fantasy items. – Set #5.
Arthurian chests x3 – Complete
Arthurian storage containers x3 – Complete
Additional variations of chests and containers. – Complete
As a Backer, I’d like to know about smaller changes that don’t have their own user story.
Jump costs stamina. – Complete
As a Backer, I’d like to be able to equip and use different types of melee weapon combinations. – Weapon Models
Generic polearm: Material pass. – Complete
Generic polearm: Low poly model. – Complete
Generic axe: Material pass. – Complete
Generic axe: Low poly model. – Complete
Generic spear: Material pass. – Complete
Generic spear: Low poly model. – Complete
Generic staff: Material pass x2. – Complete
Generic staff: Low poly model x2. – Complete
As a German Backer, I’d like to visit the German version of the Camelot Unchained website.
Secondary artwork containing text translated and added. – Complete
All newsletters translated. – Complete
Alpha Manual translated. – Complete
As both a Backer and developer, I’d like to have more dev commands to facilitate testing, and general interactions with the player community.
Admin’s can trigger old abilities for testing. – Complete
As an Italian Backer, I’d like to visit the Italian version of the Camelot Unchained website.
Find a group of awesome Italian-speaking Backers to assist us! – Complete
Site navigation text translated. – Complete
As a developer, I’d like a way to be able to edit gameplay variables on the server, live.
Max block limit on building plots. – Complete
New cards with completes:
As a Backer, I’d like to play in a procedurally-created environment. – Third Pass.
Quality-of-life improvements to terrain mod editor. – Complete
First Pass: Beach mod. – Complete
Terrain Warp mod improved to separate positive and negative vertical warping. – Complete
First Pass: Impostor system. (Objects at distance draw as single poly cards.) – Complete
Impostor system influenced by object size. – Complete
Improved rendering of alpha – trees and grass look softer and look more visually accurate at distance. – NVidia Cards – Complete
Client has collision for terrain and spawnables. – Complete
Server has collision for terrain and spawnables. – Complete
Client is notified when terrain is updated. – Complete
Client is “infinitely” scalable. – Complete
Server and client reload automagically. Yes…that’s a word. – Complete
As a Developer, I’d like to have the tools and knowledge necessary to create terrain Biomes that change with Realm territory control.
First Pass: Grass and flower sets for testing. – Complete
Improvements to grass assets – Costs 2/3rds less, but 2x as dense! – Complete
As a Backer, I’d like to test the updated male Human model.
Model high poly sculpt. – Complete
As a Developer, I’d like to have a strong library of sounds to convey player movement.
First Pass Sound Assets: Generic leather boot footsteps ver.01. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Generic leather boot footsteps ver.02. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Generic heavy-armored boot footsteps. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Stone feet footsteps. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Dirt terrain. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Short grass terrain. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Crunchy grass terrain. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Tall grass terrain. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Brush/Bushes terrain. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Rock/Gravel terrain. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Generic Foley for falling rocks when climbing an incline. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Leather gear movement Foley. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Heavy armor movement Foley. – Complete
First Pass Sound Assets: Wooden gear movement Foley. (Shields bouncing.) – Complete
As a Backer, I would like to have information about the classes of Camelot Unchained.
Silhouette artwork for ‘deck of many classes’ cards. – Complete
So, a pretty good update from us. Just like the changing of the seasons, one following the next, we are shifting our focus from “more tech than game” to now, “more game than tech.”
For today’s art, here’s a quick concept piece from Sandra for an initial pass on some capes that the well-dressed Viking might be wearing this fall. Now, whether you heed the words of Edna ‘E’ Mode or not is up to you, of course, but if you don’t worry about such things, here’s something to keep in mind:
Accessorizing is the key to success, whether in fashion or in RvR, and here are some new renders of some helpful and handy accessories for our combatants. You may notice that these weapons appear to share the same materials which is in accordance to our crafting design.
First, some axes.
Next, some spears.
It’s staff time!
And now, for something completely different, some halberds.
Well, that pretty much wraps it up for today’s update. Because of all the bonus time last weekend, we are going to wait till next week for the next installment of our Friday Night Fights. We will leave the servers up this weekend for the Alpha folks who haven’t seen Version 0.1 of our new terrain system.
Have a great weekend, all!